Central Missouri Parochial Athletic League (CMPAL) Volleyball
updated 9/6/24
Team rosters must consist of a minimum of 6-7 players but may participate in a match with 5 players. Schools unable to field a team at a particular grade level must contact the PAL League President for available options.
4th Graders may only participate if a school needs them to have enough players to field a team. See CMPAL BYLAW 17.2 Participation of 4th Graders in CMPAL.
JV/V: Players in 7th and 8th grade will play JV or Varsity. The league is not necessarily split by grade, it is split by ability level (determined by the school athletic committee).
Playing time: CMPAL encourages all teams to give equal playing time to all players. If players are consistently missing practices, have unsportsmanlike behavior, etc, the coach needs to contact their school athletic director/administration to determine disciplinary action.
CMPAL BYLAW 17.6 Playing Time:
All 5th and 6th grade students are required to participate in at least ½ (50%) of the sporting contest.
All 7th and 8th grade students are required to participate in at least ¼ (25%) of the sporting contest.
Rosters must be submitted as required by the league Constitution, Bylaws, and Rules (coaches need to upload through the CMPAL website).
Any player or coach issued a red card will be suspended for a minimum of two games.
Missouri State High School Activities Association (MSHSAA) Rules will govern play except where noted. Players are to play for the school they attend.
Game time is forfeit time. Teams must have at least 5 players ready to play at game time.
Games are played to 25 POINTS (starting at 0) and must win by two points. SCORING will be done in “RALLY style” with each volley producing a point for a team.
Each match has a 50 MINUTE TIME LIMIT hopefully allowing time for three games to be played. However, match must stop at 50 minutes regardless of the set being played at the time. More than three games may be played for fun and practice when time allows.
Teams will be given 10 MINUTES TO WARM-UP and game must start on the hour. Warm-up time is to be 4 minutes for each team separately which is to include their 1-minute serving time. Referees should let the coach know when he/she has a minute left.
Two TIME-OUTS per game. Time-outs will be one minute in length. No time-outs will be granted when only two minutes remain in the match (of the 50 minute allotment).
Net Height: 5-6th grade is 7 feet; JV/V is 7 feet 4 inches
Volleyball: 5-6th grade uses a volley-lite; JV/V uses a regulation volleyball
Serving Line: 5-6th grade serves from 20 feet. JV/V serves from regulation (30’) - The SERVER may serve anywhere behind the end line between the side hash marks, but must not be blocked by another player.
At the developmental levels (5th & 6th) SUBSTITUTES may enter the game ONLY in the center-back position unless an injury occurs. All players must rotate in the center back in the same order.
SUBSTITUTIONS at the Junior Varsity and Varsity level may follow high school rules with player for player substitutions or substitutes may be allowed to enter the game in the center-back position. At no time may teams use both substitution methods (person for person and center-back) during the same set.
The use of a LIBERO is only allowable in the Junior Varsity and Varsity divisions (not 5th/6th grade). If using a libero, they must wear a different colored uniform shirt.
LET SERVES (serves that touch the net while going over) ARE PLAYABLE at all levels.
DOUBLE HITS are allowed on the first hit of a volley, such as, the first hit when returning a serve, or when passing after a hard return.
5-6th Grade Leagues: A server may not serve more than five serves in a row. If they serve five serves in a row, it will be a side out and possession will go to the opposing team.
DROPPED SERVE: A serve can only be dropped one time during a service.
Overhand Serves vs Underhand Serves: 5-6th grades: any players that are not confident with overhand serving are recommended to underhand serve until their final serve in a service. This is to keep the ball in play as much as possible.
JV/V substitutions: unlimited substitutions will be allowed as long as following the player for player high school substitution rule.
The CEILING will be considered in play on own side.
NET FOULS will be called as a result of a player contact with the net.
Players must stay in ROTATION until after the serve. Rotational faults will be called for players out of rotation.
Referees will be mostly watching for double hits, lifts, foot faults on the serve, in or under the net, more than three hits and out of rotation infractions.
Each team must provide a capable (preferably an adult) LINE JUDGE for each game.
The league schedule will cover a period that is set at the annual league meeting. No league games will be canceled or rescheduled except through the league Sports Director and/or athletic directors.
The host school (school where games are to be played) will be responsible for paying the official a fee of $25.00 per scheduled match, as well as furnishing a line judge, timekeeper, scorekeeper, gatekeeper, and all warm-up volleyballs.
Forfeits: Officials will be paid by the host school. The school that forfeits must reimburse the host school.
The admission charge (effective 2024-25) will be $4.00 for adults and $3.00 for students in grades K through 12. There is no league established senior citizen discount. Teachers and administrators from all participating schools are admitted free to all games.
It is the host site supervisor's responsibility to contact their Athletic Director and the Volleyball Director if a player, coach or fan is disciplined for unsportsmanlike conduct.
CMPAL CHAMPIONSHIPS: October 21-26, 2024. Host School: IC - JC, St. Joseph Westphalia, and St. Francis Xavier
RULE DIFFERENCES FOR CHAMPIONSHIPS FROM LEAGUE - Best 2 of 3; 3rd game goes to 15 - this will be updated closer to championship date
Questions or Concerns? Anyone that has any questions or concerns must contact their school Athletic Director or Principal. Only the Athletic Directors or Principals are allowed to contact the Volleyball Director, Assistant CMPAL Director and the CMPAL Director. Each school is responsible for their own players, coaches, parents and fans.