2019-20 PLACT training's on the following dates:

Parent Training:   
  • Wednesday, July 31st  6:00 - 7:00 pm - St. Peter
  • Wednesday, August 7th   6:00 - 7:00 pm  - St. Peter
  • Sunday,  August 11th    4:30-5:30 pm - St. Peter
  • Tuesday, September 24 7-8 pm -Location: Immaculate Conception JC (school cafeteria)
  • Monday, November 11; 5:30-6:30 pm; Location: St. Peter JC - RSVP by November 5
Coaches Training:
  •  Tuesday, July 30th   6:00 - 9:00 pm - St. Peter
  •  Monday, August 5th 6:00 -9:00 pm - St. Peter
  •  Sunday,  August 11th 1:00 -4:00 pm  - St. Peter
  • Tuesday, October 22 6-9 pm - Location: Immaculate Conception JC (school cafeteria)
  • Tuesday, November 12; 5:30-8:30 pm; Location: St. Peter JC - RSVP by November 5

At least one parent is required to attend the training if your child is going to be participating in any sport this year (Archery, Basketball, Cross Country, Track and Volleyball).   If you think you might be interested in coaching, you will need to attend the coaches training.

This training is only required ONCE, so if you have already taken the training you do not need to take it again!!

Your child(ren) WILL NOT be able to participate in his/her particular sport until this training is done.   For fall sports participants (Volleyball and Cross Country) one of these above-mentioned training dates will need to be attended.